“Resistance is not in the way, it IS the way.”

— Laurence Cole.

Iron John Transformational Coaching


Iron John’s VISION is to end Patriarchal trauma and awaken human flourishing, and its innate desire to support all life.


Iron John’s MISSION is to support and nurture individuals, relationships and communities through coaching, counseling and psycho-education about social change, relationships, trauma, healing and communication.


Iron John VALUES discovery, curiosity, care, ecology, unity, humanity, authenticity, compassion and love as vehicles to support its vision.

Who is Iron John anyway?

The name Iron John comes from Robert Bly’s philosophical work dissecting the mythology behind the Brothers Grimm story of “Iron John”. The book outlines the need for an updated understanding of masculinity that honors the sacred masculine “wild man” inside and the early childhood wounding that many humans have been denied witness.

This “wild man” is differentiated from the “savage man” that has created generations of trauma through unchecked hegemony, dominance, and competition. It asks men, women, and everyone to take decisive ownership and responsibility for their power and privilege, through learning about themselves, healing their wounding, and celebrating the beauty of masculinity while also holding the sacred power of the feminine while exploring the energy that lay in between the two.

We’re a good fit if you are…

  • Ready to be real, tell the truth, and be open to trusting a process.

  • Ready to invest in your personal growth, relationships, and work. 

  • Ready to learn information, skills, and practices relevant to your life. 

  • Ready to accept feedback and supportive direction.

  • Committed to making time in your life to practice what you learn.

  • Seeing the value, potential, and possibility in learning how to navigate, communicate, and express in relationships.

We’re NOT a good fit if you…

  • Don’t think investing in your personal development is a good use of money, time, or effort.

  • Are looking for a mental health diagnosis or crisis services. 

  • Are appeasing someone by seeking out support.

  • Want a referee for your relationships.

  • Aren’t willing to take any actions to invest in change. 

  • Want to use communication skills and relationship knowledge to manipulate or control others.

My practice

  • Generally speaking, a therapist is there to create a space for you to understand your problems, and where they come from, and provide clinical information about medical and non-medical solutions to those problems. As a coach, I specialize in co-designing a plan for your own self-healing with the application of cognitive, relational, practical, and somatic tools to get you from one place to another. I’m here to give you feedback and my opinion about what you’re facing. My own life experience plays into what I have to offer you, and I, unlike many therapists, am transparent about my biases.

    I do not follow a diagnostic model that assumes you’re sick because you are having difficulty solving life problems. Together we analyze your personal power (what works in your favor) and obstacles to your access to that power, and your available choices to raise awareness about what’s in the way. We will also identify the psycho-social and communication tools that might create less scarcity and more abundance for the life you want to design. This work is for anyone finding their way through life transitions large and small.

    The skills applied during your sessions are aimed to be relevant to you and your unique life experience. We can work together during a hike, a surf session, a lunch, a phone call, a video chat, a cooking class, or on an overnight camp in Big Sur.

    I will support you as a client, to do what’s hard for you in sometimes unusual ways to help create greater equality, to create less resistance, and to gain individual power in any area of life. My coaching approach can be applied to couples, communities, offices, small businesses, religious groups, families, and any place where human relationships are at play.

  • I use it to assist anyone going through personal, relational, and professional transitions in life like a new career, new relationship, new life stage, or new lifestyle circumstance. We co-create your goals through consciousness building, somatic awareness, power analysis, and cooperative communication. I also help navigate conflicts, offering mediation and tools for peace-building, cooperative relationships, conscious co-parenting, and peaceful divorce or separation.

    Skills for Change is a power-informed and body-based approach to personal, relationship, and community change that recognizes the influence of systemic power on our lives and relationships, and thus generates understanding, choice, and opportunity. As practitioners, we work through the body in a somatic approach to create personal change by practicing skills for the future we want while releasing the patterns of the past.

    SFC was developed by Julia Kelliher, Nancy Shanteau and others in the lineage of Radical Therapy Collective. We work in communities with individuals, couples and families, organizations and collectives, work groups, friends, and teams. We work with young and old to help them take power in their lives by understanding what they can change and what they cannot change, and how to engage in resources beyond themselves when individual action simply is not enough. We help our clients build resilient minds, bodies and spirits, and we help them feel happy, satisfied, whole and complete in their lives.

  • Yes. I see it work every day. My work has helped clients enter recovery and stay sober; it has helped clients save their marriages, exit abusive relationships, find new love, find new careers, metabolize childhood trauma, develop leadership qualities, and find a spiritual connection within their community. This all happened because my clients made the commitment to learn skills to solve problems in new ways. I’m continually grateful to bear witness to their process.

    My ongoing education has provided me with robust academic training and continuous dedication to professional development and my offerings are always growing. Many great teachers and leaders along my path prepared me to be a brave leader in my field and I continue to learn using the tools I teach. My curiosity about the power of authentic human potential has kept me nourishing human relationships at every turn. With coaching, I help people understand why they experience resistance, normalize their experiences of struggle, and offer tools to help increase choice and problem-solve real issues. Together we create experiences that are more aligned with our chosen values. I believe in your power and I believe in Skills for Change, because I see it work.

  • A lot of coaches teach directly from a playbook or a program and have certifications that aren’t more than a weekend course. Instead, my unique offering is backed by my commitment to my own lifelong learning and customized to fit who you are, allowing you to co-create the process of your own transformation. Holding certifications in Life Coaching, Mediation, Psychedelic Integration, and Body Work, I’ve logged thousands of hours of professional training and on-the-job training spent during client hours, working with businesses, individuals, families, partners, and couples. I follow a strict code of ethics and pay for professional supervision from a licensed psychotherapist and other mental health professionals peers, guides, and elders. I draw from a rich reservoir of leaders, thinkers, activists, and colleagues to bring a truly superior product to each one of my clients.

    As a lifelong student of human relationships, I have worked in both mainstream and alternative environments to create conscious lasting change in people’s lives. Dissatisfied with the constraints of my collegiate training and my early career in social work, I went on to work as an outdoor educator, a camp director, an international Permaculture instructor, a culinary educator, and an Executive Private Chef in Silicon Valley. All of my pursuits have been driven by a passion for human connection, systemic change, and Deep Ecology. I’ve worn many hats, all the time building my experience to be able to offer a seasoned perspective on life, work, and relationships.on text goes here

  • In short, YES! I hold the perspective that there are many ways to express our gender identity across a spectrum of being. Whether you hold traditional views on relationship, or you actively practice Polyamory or Relational Anarchy, there also many ways of being in relationship with other humans. Regardless how you identify or how you choose to relate, my coaching is focused on how power, culture, and your choice factor into your specific relationships. My passion for men’s growth stemmed from my lifelong support of feminism. I realized the only way to support women and other marginalized folks in my life was by healing and teaching men, starting with myself. While men (and male bodied people) often hold the lion’s share of structural and cultural privilege in our world, many are disconnected from the responsibilities and even the benefits of that privilege. Men’s culture often fails to impart skills related to nurture, compassion, and emotional competency because we didn’t learn this from the male caretakers in our own lives. Unless we consciously take responsibility for learning these skills, we’re quite likely to repeat what we internalized as children. Many scholars have shown how this actually recycles male oppression in culture; we repeat our mistakes across generations. I work under the belief that this epigenetic cycle of trauma needs to be interrupeted if we’re to have a collaborative society and a sustainable future. This restructuring means working with everyone who’s experienced the effects of masculinity wounds and IJC aims to be inclusive of all humans regardless of heritage, race, gender or orientation.

  • The field of psychedelic therapy is rapidly growing. The application of entheogens in the treatment of symptoms like PTSD, depression, and even alcoholism has been widely reported and now corroborated through clinical studies at Johns Hopkins, UCSF, Harvard, and more. The use of most of these substances in settings outside of research trials is still technically illegal. Navigating the system to find a trustworthy, safe, knowledgeable practitioner is key to having an effective healing experience. Moreover, how you prepare and prepare to recover is critical to the success and efficacy of these treatments. My experience with these medicines can help guide you toward a harm-reduction approach allowing you to choose the right practitioner and the right medicine for you. Psychedelic Integration Coaching can encourage you to create practices and lifestyle changes to accommodate what you may uncover using these sacred medicines.

    Together we’ll create a plan to integrate your experience to maximize the benefit it can have in healing relationships, work, purpose, and self-understanding.

    I will guide you through the right questions to consider if this is something that works for you.

  • tudies (Developmental Psychology) through a program called Skills For Change. Skills For Change is a series of tools that teach us how to identify and resolve areas of conflict and beliefs around limitations. As we learn to temper conflict within ourselves, with our partners, children, friends, family, or co-workers, we find greater personal power. We work with a profound yet digestible set of tools to both clarify our needs versus our wants and identify our power to attain them.


  • I don’t accept insurance, but as a certified life coach I can accept HSA funds. If this coaching is for your personal business, ask your accountant if it may be tax deductible.

  • I received my Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Systems from the University of Vermont where I focused on poverty and homelessness issues and how real scarcity affects mental health. I worked in Community Mental Health services for a decade before changing my focus. Building on my passion for environmental sustainability, I gained my Permaculture Design Certification from the Urban Permaculture Institute in San Francisco, and subsequently my teaching certification from the Permaculture Institute of Australia where I studied with Geoff & Nadia Lawton and served as a teacher’s assistant in Australia in 2010. Inspired to return to working in people systems from my work in Australia I again began my work in community skills education working on farms, in city government offices, non-profits, and now in private practice.

    I hold certifications in Cooperative Communication, Life Coaching, Mediation, and Body Work through the Folkloom School as a student of Nancy Shanteau. I participate in ongoing professional trainings in areas of mindfulness, non-violent communication (NVC), polyvegal theory, somatics, psychedelic integration, professional negotiation, positive intelligence (PQ), and conflict resolution. My belief in transformation and human potential stems from the support I still receive from many coaches, therapists, mentors, and teachers along my path. I work with my own set of teachers coaches and guides.

  • Yes. Discounts are often available for packages paid in full. I always have several scholarship rates available. Sign up for a free discovery call and let’s discuss your situation and needs.

  • Clients who commit to working with me consistently and practice their work outside of sessions see amazing results. These clients report…

    * More self-awareness

    * Positive self-talk

    * Clear access to “Yes” and “No” boundaries

    * Increased energy awareness

    * Ability to manage depletion symptoms

    * Deepened community engagement

    * Increased productivity

    * Decreased relational stress

    * Increased self-acceptance

    * Greater competency in communication

    * Effective problem-solving strategies

    * Greater risk assessment

    * Body awareness and somatic tools

    * Increased professional impact

    * Leadership confidence

    * Competent power analysis in relationships, work, and at home

    * Development of cooperative parenting tools

    * So much more…

  • The ideal client is one who is committed to their change process and is looking for a trusted guide to help them navigate their choices through life changes big and small. They have the ability to follow through on their commitments and are prepared to take radical responsibility for the power they have now, while being willing to learn how to grow more personal power than they thought possible.

  • You can come to sessions as much as once per week or as little as once per quarter after you’ve gone through an initial ten sessions. The more consistent you’re able to be i your work, the greater success you’ll experience.

  • Yes, I see clients in person 1/2 of each week in Santa Cruz, CA. The rest of my appointments are done virtually or by special arrangement. These sessions can be done over the phone, or on a video call.

  • Yes. I have helped families uncouple in cooperative ways that reorganize the family structure without the use of courts or expensive lawyers.

  • Yes! As we speak, A coaching group is under development. This group will be held monthly online for anyone interested in learning Cooperative Communication to help improve romantic relationships, partnerships, business communications, family dynamics and more. Sign up for my newsletter to stay tuned for this offering…

  • Each coaching relationship, and our process together, is unique to you and your life situation. The process is often non-linear and involves making mistakes, updating goals, and changing focus as we uncover your superpowers and personal purpose.

    The coaching process often happens in phases:

    Phase 1. Consciousness Building-develop new somatic and cognitive awareness of your resistance.

    Phase 2. Vision Development-see with new eyes and articulate your vision, mission, and project.

    Phase 3. Cooperative Communication-gain tools to cooperate with people in & outside your vision.

    Phase 4. Personal Action-make a plan and a timeline to carry out your vision.

  • I take your care very seriously and have learned from skilled therapists in how to hold space in a safe way. I practice strict client ethics and provide confidentiality to your standards. I receive professional supervision from an LMFT each week that helps make sure I am operating ethically and responsibly.

Ready to book now?

Schedule a free Discovery Call or Coaching Sessions to your Google Calendar, iCal, or Outlook.


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